Fallout Playlist

Monday, June 9, 2014

I Gave My Word The Newark By-Election Wouldn't Shock Me And It Didn't!

Did you stay up late to watch the results of the Newark By-Election?

Did you really think UKIP were going to take their first parliamentary seat?

If you thought Newark was going to fall, then you really need to think about this and all the Newark By-Election came down to was, who had the most skin in the game.

You will have most probably heard the statement, but when one group puts out 600 people and say the other groups put out 30 people, who is going to win?

It comes down to a bit of psychology, 600 people from one group makes the people of Newark feel special and they will likely vote in your favour as the view of the other groups is that you simply couldn't be bothered with us, so you don't really care about us.

I will say that UKIP do like to get people working and this perceived threat is definitely giving some people squeaky bums, there still no true data or statistics to say that UKIP are a major threat, it's all perceived and UKIP just like Blair like to use fear to induce shock and awe, as said before in a previous post, you can only shock people until the effect wears off. I think this is what is happening now.

All credit to the candidate, he will have put a certain amount of skin in the game to achieve his outcome.

Now we have to look at what 2015 will bring!