Fallout Playlist

Monday, March 10, 2014

To Rig A Energy Market or To Not Rig A Energy Market, That Is The Question? (Part 2)

In part 1 we learnt about the various ways our electricity and gas is made, so let's go back to the question at hand, should energy prices be fixed?

To me it seems like a complete waste of time, let's say you're with a energy company that has appalling customer service and standards, if you have fixed price market, who would you move to? You wouldn't necessarily move since there is no benefit to switching suppliers, the benefit is usually lower energy prices.

But for my local MP he seems to think fixing energy prices is a good idea, but let's face it, the person who puts on his leaflet that he believes his leader is right, is living in a dream world.

The leaflet didn't seem like he was concerned about high energy prices but was more brown nosing his party leadership and seemed quite needy for supporters. which is a massive turn off.

However the leaflet did point out the various schemes that Local Government is doing by buying bulk energy and selling it off cheaply to members of the scheme, it's a shame my MP and his party don't go about it the right way.

In the wider picture it's time to think outside of the box, we need to look at different technologies and test them to see which one benefits us greatly and reduces energy bills.

It will be talked about for years to come, but the government that enacts fixed energy prices will be the ones with egg on their face as the amount of players in the marketplace diminishes.