Fallout Playlist

Sunday, July 28, 2013

More Pics From Boat Lift

Boat Lift, Monday 22nd July 2013

At some point it was inevitable, a boat lift would be needed, a weird noise coming from the engine and initial thoughts are the cutlass bearing has gone on the boat, but not to be the case.
The boat was lifted out and aroud the prop shaft was fishing line, remembering when this happened was easy.
Last Summer whilst out on the Humber, we had encountered a gent fishing off the Marina near the Locke, too close to the locke and we snagged his line nearly pulling the chap of the locke wall, but you would think in broad daylight he would have seen us and brought his line in, i guess he missed the lesson on when fishing where you're not supposed to and looking out for yachts with large masts.
Anyway, the lift went well. Just need the boat back in the Marina so we can sail it, especially with this nice weather we're having.